L'effroi de la grâce


L'effroi de la grâce

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  • Geoffrey_Ramaud

    What is difficult for one to understand is often very simple for the other. And if. What if you had gotten so dizzy with one round of the merry-go-round that you said to yourself the fun fair is over? It had been some time since the fair had settled on the other side of the bank of your habits. She was returning from a long journey to offer those who appreciate her, all the magic she can bring to those opening up to her only rule, to be temporary. You were surviving the disillusionment of a reality collapsing on you, convinced of a new page where you had planned everything. The chapter which was to be written in pairs, becomes by the feeling of being manipulated, the reason to believe to be non-existent to be from now on alone. Your disappointment did not equal all the efforts you have given to polarize the constraints into a legitimate and responsible duty; disillusioned, the reality of this betrayal makes you accept to turn this page, defining this dream, rough. One evening, you escape worries to meet a warm world enveloping you in comfort. Your presence is a concentrate of favorable signals. The benevolent and relaxed environment, leads you to recognize the confidence in the exchanges that you hold, and it is in this framework, that you find your correspondences. Subject to a determined future, you will mask the echo of a hope, by the unjust situation preventing you from opening its door. But it is in the most unstable moments that you receive the invitations to open it, as if abandoning the bonds that hold you back to the world were performing the operation of a magic expressing itself subtly. Opening then, the door on the most forbidden dreams. The moon softens the wounds of existence, by the reverence it shows to timid announcements; the armor of a sincere language of politeness; come to the esteem of a charm sailing towards what they rediscover, to have distanced themselves from it. You greet them with warning. The availability of your space-time is limited to the simple connection of an opportunistic behavior, consisting in making the best of the circumstances, by crossing the secret doors of a world avoiding morality and principles, finitude. The agreement is signed. By its space-time, it poses and defines within it, the limits as the enterprise of a communion, the bond of a trust to be shared without restraint, the dimension of a respect enriching the desires, of touching the life . You had found a refuge there. A pure treasure, consciously constructed. The security of not being subjected to a new story, by your ability to express your desires, and the certainty of their innocence. Freed from imperatives, devoid of implications, they took advantage of a confidence proper to explore the unknown, unconsciously to create discoveries, the mark of memories in the relief of the evidence they generate; the city of symbols, genesis of tortures and convicts. It is in the warm unforgettable fresco of a sky that your soul will reveal its appetite. And it is at the edge of a cold and silent stream that you will be confronted with your wishes. Hurts only the deaf and insensitive reality. The disenchantment, exhumed by the tearing of the connections necessary to nourish it, the revelation of languages ??forgotten by its need for realism. Dialects unfathomed by memory, finding in essence the reason for your presence. The expression of your values ??was a sufficiently strong energy, which they drew from the soul, the resources of a world that she already aspired from a shadowy space-time, to be enlightened. You are now obvious, that I would like to save from the rupture and the traumatic tearing of silence, to the void of emotions to recognize you. The awareness of being relative; to be neither absolute, nor independent, nor sufficient for me even in front of you; plunged me by your existence of being real, in a deep disarray of being independent of an agreement, in an infinite dimension and without limits of a us, alive. Distraught, the mingling of our senses established the core of a star of no known value, binding me to you, to be absolute. Perfection holds in silence, all that does not deserve it. Your vision was animated with a tenderness towards what you recognized to be, the memory of your reflection. The fear of grace is to meet it. How to let go of the automatism of what is the echo of the trauma? You suffered, to become aware of blowing on the embers of a traumatic reason, to feel guilty for being responsible, for being devoted. Anger comes from injustice, and devotion from love, if not the anger that comes from love and devotion, from injustice. Your devotion was unjust to me, to operate by the value which animated it; love; the desire to walk the path of loyalties; my habits; responsible for the existence of links; my automatisms; justifying the reasons for forgetting themselves; my traumas; to break them in respect of what animates it; love, which preserves the values ??of balance. You revealed me to myself, free and awake, through your love. His strength and sincerity made me realize that I had forgotten myself, to realize the terror of losing you, the echo of the feeling of abandonment. The trauma of abandonment, locked me in the forecast of the world, to see beyond there, than there. Break his ties, freed me. My perception regained its freedom, to destroy itself with a solid value that supplanted those of love, bond, trust, friendship, family, to find the awkwardness of rewarding you by giving you this that I held dearer at that moment, my need for time, which was understood by you, like the silence of oblivion. By my confidence in you I left everything, to in my turn find in the exploration of the imbalance and the doubt, the language of the balance which would bring me back to you, by learning from me what took away from me, for to find the point of our meeting, convinced, to be your equal in the certainty of being nothing more than what I am, alive and, temporary. And if, I remain the only one convinced, this story being only between you and me, that I am the only one is not it a reason to be interested in it, not to need the others to know what I want? Apologies are useless if they serve to convince, but my goal was to understand myself to better explain it to you, I hope you don't blame me for loving you, Will. Forgiveness, is it to be understood?



Saintes, Charente-Maritime, France

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