Mom locked up with her memories. Family resilience at the time of Covid 19 Series

Maria Cristina Embil Lopez

Mom locked up with her memories. Family resilience at the time of Covid 19 Series

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  • Maria Cristina Embil Lopez

    Just before the Covid 19 lockdown, her husband, my father, died. Added to the pain of loss is the difficult situation we are experiencing. Her beautiful blue eyes reflect all the bewilderment she feels right now. That is why she likes to be, with her hands clasped as before, in the corner of her memories, with old photos of her and her beloved family, to which she clings because they seem more solid and real than the present and uncertain future The elderly, young people and children are experiencing this situation of uncertainty and pain in different ways. The pain and bewilderment experienced at first has sometimes become other creative ways of solving the difficult situations that arise. Young people and children of different ages have had to get used to living and playing with their masks always on. Everyone takes it their own way. But we can conclude that in any situation, however difficult, humans are resilient



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