Lillias Adie -Torryburn, Dunfermline Investigation Date: 12/07/1704 Gender: female


Lillias Adie -Torryburn, Dunfermline Investigation Date: 12/07/1704 Gender: female

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  • camilaalmeida

    One of the most poignant case of witch hunting is the one of Lilias Adie – a poor woman accused of witchcraft who died in custody in Torryburn, West Fife, in 1704. After she confessed to being a witch and having sex with the devil, she died in prison before she could be tried, sentenced and burned. So the God-fearing locals buried her deep in the sticky, sopping wet mud of the foreshore – between the high tide and low tide mark – and they put a heavy flat stone over her. Lillias



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