I am an amature photographer since 1997. I have received plenty of awards in photographic competition and salon both in national and international arena. Bedecked with Grand Prix award by Asia Pacific Cultural Committee for UNESCO. Awarded twice by M.I.L.K., New Zealand. Prized in 2002 & 2005 by Photo life, Canada. In 2004 couple of photographs published in International calendar & Diary from Australia. One of best photographs take place in “HALL OF FAME”-Nikon, USA. In 2007 one photograph got First prize from Netherlands. Around 300 photographs exhibited far and wide various parts of India and in USA, Serbia, Austria, Germany, Spain, France, Argentina, Scotland, England, Brazil, Portugal, Romania etc. In the year of 2009 I have won third prize from UNCCD and first prize from SLH London. In 2010 I have won one first award from USA. In 2011 I have own save water photography award from Australia. I have won top award from 121.clicks.com in Landscape and another award from UNESCO-UNEVOC Photo Competition 2012. Two of my photographs selected for calendar organized by IWI in 2012 and 2016. I have won two awards from Better Photography and Smart Photography in India. In 2015 I am finalist of a competition organized by Thompson Reuter’s foundation, UK on Women Empowerment. First prize winner of SNCF Singapore, Two awards from Pearson organized by Talent House, UK. Award from Thomson Ecology. Photograph has been published in leading magazines in U.K.,'Photo News' & 'Professional Photographer'. One award from Centre for Modern Indian Studies (CEMIS)University of Goettingen, Germany. Winner of "Michael Andrew Photography contest".
10 Abonnés - 0 Abonnement
Canon EOS 550D

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