Mrs Reed Takes a Break from Foreign Affairs


Mrs Reed Takes a Break from Foreign Affairs

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  • esmerkazvinova

    November 2020, Bay Area, CA. April takes a break from a long day of planning and posing. What seemed like hours of finding the right shot led us to this. An unintended, unplanned moment of tranquility. The title of the image refers to April in a natural state. Although not often, April does take breaks from the madness of running an international online business. A business she built from scratch and is proud of. We met years ago during my first semester in college. Six years later, we've grown to be best friends, family and creative collaborators in even the hardest of times. We continue to inspire one another every day and I look up to her as a mother figure in many ways. She is a consistent subject of mine and someone I will continue to photograph for as long as possible.



Santa Cruz, California, United States

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