In 2015, I was invited for a residency in Quebec, as part of a collaboration between Diaphane and Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie en Gaspésie. After a 10 hour drive by bus from Montreal, I arrived in Chaleur Bay. The land is wide and attractive, it invites you to move, but this time, I wanted to settle. I had heard of Petite-Vallée, located on the North coast. I crossed the Gaspesie National Park in one go, I got round the Chics-Chocs, and went along the coast following the renowned route 132. It was dark when I arrived. I rented a room facing the river. The eagles flying above my head, stories of moose and bears tell me about an extraordinary land. In Petite-Vallée, I then photographed extraordinary people. I looked for the city center but I could not find it. I looked for passers by, but they seem to never get out of their cars. Every day, I faced a different weather: foggy, sunny, windy, rainy, cloudy, cold, very cold, warm, blue, stormy. I let myself be guided by the power of the place, and the energy of its inhabitants. Its vastness could swallow us all, but it does not: they are facing me, facing the river, resisting.

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