The Androgynous

the androgynous is a visual research revolving around the topic of androgyny. described as the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics into one hybrid form, the word is used as an umbrella term about biological sex, gender or sexual identity and gender expression. its different meanings point to the complex interrelationship between aspects of gender and sexuality. here, i address body expression as the main material for creation. while gender and sexual identity are commonly questioned and explored within the current photography field, this project aims to shed light on a smilingly less “urgent” issue: the visual aspect of an androgynous body. this only to celebrate the rapidly evolving culture of awareness, where it is possible to mix-in masculine and feminine attributes regardless of gender or sexual identity. the androgynous is a visual examination celebrating the positive blurred lines in gender expression and the abstraction of the human body. in the images: obbe; obbe & alex; jonnah; rotterdam 2019.

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