I've been photographing for a little over 3 years now, but it's always felt like a natural transition for me having come from a graphic design background of over 10 years. I love the timelessness in imagery. I love the unique interpretation in art. And, I love the challenge in trying to exceed your work each time.

Most people know me from my music and producing career in the underground music scene, under the name, A.Twon. As much as I truly love music, I reached a point in my life where I was looking for something that could fulfill me further. I wanted to be able to still express myself, and my talents. I decided to try photography. As it turned out, I loved it. I still write for other artists and assist with composition, but my focus has more so been on the stories I create behind the lens of a DSLR. It proves one thing clearly… I’m a writer, whether visually or auditory, it’s simply who I am.

I'm a pretty easy going, energetic, and sarcastic person when you meet me. I love making people feel comfortable around me. And, i love to network! With that being said, I'd love to have the opportunity to get to know each one of my new viewers a little better. That's why I created a "Social Booth" section for this site. I want my site to be just as much about the viewers as it is about what I showcase!
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