3_1 To each one its recycling pathway. Autumn trees
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  • Giorgio Pattarini

    3_1: TO EACH ONE ITS RECYCLING METHOD - AUTUMN TREES Trees in autumn change color, each species with its specific hue. The tree is preparing to shed its leaves, and the pigments in the leaves get broken down, while the tree strive to retain and recycle precious nutrients for the next spring. There appear not to be a single pathway for this recycling, with each species having its timing and its own chemistry. This molecular diversity showcases itself in the varied colors of the autumn. Subject: trees of different species in autumn (Beech, Oak, Birch, Poplar, Maple, Pine, Cherry ...) Lens: Sagem 569937 350mm at f/3.5, mounted in tilt-shift. Theme 3: AUTUMN COLORS Nature offers an astonishing variation of forms and shapes to be photographed; but an even larger amount of engineering solutions accumulated through evolution is hidden into one simple word: biochemistry. How to visualize this molecular richness? One direct way is by color, our built-in spectrographic analysis tool, a narrow but easy peek into the electrons configuration of molecules. Big words; in practice it’s autumn and I’ve simply taken a few shots of the trees getting red, yellow, brown and finally shedding their leaves.



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