running England-9.jpg


running England-9.jpg

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  • Jaccuse

    London,2013I started to run when I was 12 years old. Back then, I used to practice judo, and, in every competition, I was destroyed by my adversaries because they were much stronger than me. Thus, I was forced to start to run to lose some weight and be moved to a lower category. Then I got used to it. And more my schooling was getting bad, more I needed to run to free the frustration of not to being at the required level. Later on, running helped me a lot in different moments in my life. When I was in Paraguay or in Algeria, feeling alone and jobless. This addiction to run saved me from depression and cleaned my soul in order not to give way. For many years I have run almost every day. As a therapy … And one day, I realized that running when I was abroad was also a good way to see things, discover places, meeting people, faces … even if it was only for a short moment. Things that I would have missed if I had stayed in the hotel gyms. It was also a safe way to go to places not recommended for foreigners. I remember running in some suburbs in Algiers. I was running in shorts or with tight pants and the faces of some of the men looking at me showed complete astonishment, as if they were looking at a nurse running naked in front of them. That is one of the reasons why I decided to immortalize those faces and moments. When you are running, sweating and you stop to ask for some water or for advice or for your way because you are lost, everyone helps you. Since 2006 I have been running with disposable cameras to save those instants shared with the local people I’ve met. These pictures are a sample of those captured moments.



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