The old Tsukiji fish market 12, Tokyo, Japan


The old Tsukiji fish market 12, Tokyo, Japan

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  • almabibolotti

    These photos were taken in the old Tokyo Tsukiji market, which is still for me a place full of poetry, even if it doesn’t exist anymore. I portrayed it during my stay in Tokyo in 2013. Tokyo's Tsukiji fish market, one of the city's most important places, shut its doors on October 6th 2018. The closing marked the end of an era for a structure that had been central to the metropolis since the mid-1930s and was considered the biggest fish market in the world. Most popular of all were the early morning tuna auctions. The reasons of the move centered around the age of the structure itself along with the fact the Tsukiji fish market sited on valuable real estate that could prove useful for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. It was a very divisive topic since many citizens of Tokyo worried a move of the market from Tsukiji to the area of Toyosu would deprive the city of a historical sight at a time when many longstanding destinations are starting to vanish. There were many demonstration protests against the move and even the workers at Tsukiji held protests in the days running up to its closure.



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