
Kimono Yoshida was born in Tokyo in 1963.
In 1995 she joined the Tokyo College of Photography, and the National School of Photography in Arles, France.In 1996 she met Jean-Michel Ribettes and integrates the national studio of contemporary arts at Le Fresnoy in 1999.
Between 1998 and 2015 she exibited in many places.
2000 : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum, japon : The 100 smilles of Monna Lisa.
2002 : Maison Européenne de la photographie (MEP), Paris, France : le diaphane & l’obscur.
2004 : Art Basel, Basel, Suisse : galerie Erna Hecey.
2005 : The Chelsea Art Museum, New-York,NY, USA : The bogey man (after goya).
2006 : Grand Palais, paris, France: FIAC, génération Picasso (Citroën).
2007 : Maison Européenne de la photographie (MEP) paris, France : Acquisitions 1999-2006.
2013 : Museum of fine arts, Houston, Texas, usa: self, model and self as other.
2014: La maison rouge, Paris, France : The wall. Collection Antoine de Galbert’s.
2015 : Tefaf, Maastricht, Netherlands: Homage to derain (galerie patrice trigano).


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