Arc en ciel de tulipes


Arc en ciel de tulipes

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  • MagaliChesnel

    The Provence-Alpes Côte d'Azur, in the south of France, is a region that is so widely known for its lavender fields, but more and more for its fields of tulips. The tulips are grown in Provence for the export of the bulbs to the Netherlands. The Dutch tulip farmers outsource the bulb production to these growers in Provence. Once the tulips bloom, the cultivators cut the heads of the flower, so that the plant’s energy can be used to produce healthy bulbs. The bulb is ultimately what is sold to the market.​ Every year, in early spring, a few fields in Provence-Alpes Côte d'Azur are awash with a festival of color that lasts only days. The fields are spectacular and seemingly endless, with brilliant reds, yellows, powdery whites, candy pinks, lavender or burgundy varieties of tulips. It is a rainbow of perfectly groomed stripes.



43° 56' 30.98

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