
Region Ile-de-France : Patrimonial service and Inventory

The region of Île-de-France works in most of the domains concerning the future of twelve millions inhabitants : transports, schools, apprenticeships, economic development, environment and culture. In the cultural sector, as a priority, the region supports 5 sections : live performances, cinema and audiovisual, books and reading, art and heritage. The regional policies in favour of heritage has been developed in two specific fields : an obligatory expertise in inventory and valorisation of heritage of Île-de-France, especially with studies of gardens and local productions ; measures to help for conservation, restauration and the valorisation of these estates. In the framework of the new heritage policies voted in July 2017, the region of Île-de-France wanted to reinforce the support of protected and unprotected estates, especially by creating a label for estates of regional interest that encompasses landscapes and gardens. It takes in consideration, henceforth, all the steps of the patrimonial chain, of identification and of research until the valorisation of the estates, giving it unprecedented scope. For more information, go to : and


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