In the snow...
« Winter events »
From January 31 to March 27 2024
A Spanish-American film released earlier this year on Netflix, The Snow Circle recounts the dramatic plane crash in the Andes Mountains in 1972. The survivors, trapped in a hostile snow environment, had to take extreme measures to survive for weeks before finally being rescued. Spanish filmmaker Juan Antonio Bayona delivers an incredible reconstruction of this Oscar-nominated drama. Photographer Quim Vives immortalized the filming, most of which took place in Spain's Sierra Nevada, but also on the sites of the tragedy (Uruguay, Chile). Published by Editorial RM, the book In The Society Of The Snow features images from this exceptional shoot. On this occasion, Wipplay invites you to capture the enigmatic, sometimes intimidating beauty of snow. Forests covered in a white blanket, awe-inspiring mountains, a village asleep under the snowflakes, deserted town streets engulfed in powder: it's up to you to make us feel the wintry atmosphere and those feelings of isolation, disorientation and mystery that snowfall can evoke.
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FinishedFrom January 31 to March 27 2024