Ukrainian refugee
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  • Andrii Bulavka

    In 2022 I had to learn a hard new word for me: refugees. I was born in Ukraine, but for last 10 years settled down in France. Last time I’ve been at home was in January 2022, 2 weeks before russian’s full scale invasion to my Homeland. Few weeks later the women of my family, my mother, sister and two baby girls, had to leave our family’s home in order to find safer place. They have taken my dad’s car (men under 60 years old were not allowed to cross the border) and headed West. From Paris I’ve headed East to meet them. 1248 km is a distance from Hungarian border to their new home. The distance we have covered together twice: when they were leaving Ukraine and when they were coming back. During those two trips I didn’t stop taking pictures. They were coming back to Ukraine, and only God knew when we would meet again. This photo project was born from those pictures. From the very beginning It was hard for me to admit - my family became refugees. In this photo project I’m trying to understand, what makes person a refugee? Is it a simple fact of leaving its home under difficult circumstances? Does something change inside a person when becoming refugee? Can this something ever change back?



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