Amélie Berton is a French art lover, a self-taught photographer who resides in Brussels, where she can enjoy an inspiring multicultural environment.
She started photography to document and capture important events and personal moments. She is a portrait photographer, fascinated by human shapes and feelings.
Feeling the urge to materialize her thoughts she decided to explore staged portraiture thus creating visual concepts. She discovered photography wasn’t meant only to document the outside world, but also to express a more intimate inner world.
She creates her images carefully posing models or herself to express the emotion, from joy to sorrow, she wants to portray. She tells a story within the frame of a photograph, questioning the difference between dream and reality.
In her work she tends to blur the borders between painting and photography with the use of surreal elements. Applying strokes of light and bold colors over the images give them a painterly quality and allows her to control every details of the final result.
6 Abonnés - 0 Abonnement

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23 Participations


Du 21 février au 18 avril 2018
3 Participations

Mon été

Du 10 août au 7 septembre 2016
2 Participations


Du 23 mars au 29 juin 2016
2 Participations

Man vs Wild

Du 6 avril au 4 mai 2016
4 Participations


Du 24 février au 24 avril 2016
1 Participation

En mouvement

Du 27 janvier au 2 mars 2016
3 Participations


Du 20 janvier au 23 février 2016
6 Participations


Du 14 octobre au 25 novembre 2015
1 Participation
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