Carol Allen-Storey is an award winning photojournalist specialising in chronicling humanitarian and social issues.

“My images are intimate, about issues and citizens I deeply care about.
I believe photographs may not be capable of doing the moral work for us,
but they can trigger the process of social consciousness”

Storey’s work has been exhibited and published internationally. In 2009 she was appointed a UNICEF ambassador. Storey recently won 1st Prize in the Act of Kindness International Award 2013, was a finalist in the Taylor-Wessing Portrait Awards exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery in 2009, 2011 and 2013, chosen photographer of the month Social Documentary magazine, finalist, Kontinent Awards, outstanding achievement documentary project, short listed for Social Documentary in 2008, 2009, and 2010 at the New York Photography Festival and a finalist in 2013. In 2008 and 2010 she was selected for the Press Photographer’s Award Year exhibition. Storey has been a nominee finalist at the International Spider Awards each year from 2008 to 2013 . She was shortlisted for the 2011 One Life International Portfolio Award. In 2012 Carol was a finalist for the Photocrafti Award. In addition she was selected for the Moving Walls International exhibition touring Europe 2012, and most recently the Royal Photographic society 2013 members exhibition.

Her solo exhibitions include: ‘FRACTURED LIVES’ at SW1 Gallery London 2012 for International Alert, ‘Children of Hope’ for the charity Kasese Street Kids at the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Kendal, 2011, ‘Anything Is Possible’ at the Association of Photographers Gallery in London, 2009, for the international charity Spirituality for Kids. In 2008, ‘The Vanishing Assets of Africa’, an installation at the Inmarsat Gallery in London, culminating in an auction by Christi’s benefiting the charity, Télécoms Sans Frontières. ‘The Savagery and Poetry of Africa’ appeared at the Proud Gallery, London, for the international charity WWF, in 2004.

For the past seven years, Storey has been developing a personal project, ANGELS at the edge of darkness, which illuminates the plight of women and children managing poverty and the AIDS pandemic in Africa. Commissioned by ’Save the Children’, Carol created an essay about the dilemma of British children living in poverty for their ‘Our Lives’ exhibition and book.

Storey is a graduate with distinction of the Central St. Martins, Master Photography programme, 2000.
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Canon EOS 5D Mark II

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