I think that it is not easy to describe yourself: sometimes two words would suffice on the physical aspect or on the main features of his character, perhaps starting with the phrase “I am a solar type and funny, sweet and tender, friendly and generous, or maybe intelligent” , neglecting the objectivity and sincerity.

I do not I’ll just this.

I consider myself a very thoughtful and rational person, who likes to go beyond appearance, look “inside” people and know their essence, the force that governs them and pushes them to act or the force that keeps them from doing so.

I love the simple things. All that is true: Friendship, Love, Affection in their form deeper.

I live on memories, moments, beautiful and poignant, often make me sad and make me short of breath, sometimes they give me the determination to go ahead and believe that one day will reach my goals.

Live imagining. I think of the people I meet on the street, I make them an ideal world, a job, I look at every detail and I reproduce in a my picture : I see a beggar and in that same moment when my gaze falls on him, he became a businessman, vigorous, full of self-esteem, a proud look on his face, his hair neatly in place behind the ears, holding an old pocket watch,a memory his father died in war, anchored to an elegant black waistcoat.

And so anyone joins to my world with the features that only I have chosen.

Maybe I live too fancy, but it is precisely this that keeps me going and gives me the desire to find some similarities with my universe that I so meticulously created.

Dreamer , strong, often very stubborn, thoughtful and a little ‘reckless.

That’s who I am!
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