sarwarpro is the Best Physiotherapist in Dwarka because we have well Experienced Physiotherapist Doctors Available For Treatment Physiotherapy Help us to Remove many Types of Pain Like Knee Pain, Shoulder Pain, Back Pain, Neck Pain, etc... Dr Gholam Sarwar, Dr Padam Singh, Dr Rozy Sarwar,Dr Sandhya Kumari and 20 more physiotherapist available for appointment. we have many therapy available for treatment like Chiropractor therapy, Hijama Cupping Therapy, IASTM Therapy, Dry Needling Therapy. Benefits of Hijama Cupping THerapy 1 Migraine, headache 2 Inproves Blood Circulation 3 Inprove Skin condition 4 Back pain, joints pain, gouts, lossof appetite 4 Detoxes 5 Helps anxiety 6 Relieves from stress and pain 7 High blood pressure
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