Hot Snapshot

Capture as you fly

FinishedFrom May 16 to July 4 2018

Hot Snapshot

Capture as you fly

FinishedFrom May 16 to July 4 2018

Hot Snapshot

Capture as you fly

FinishedFrom May 16 to July 4 2018

Hot Snapshot

Capture as you fly

FinishedFrom May 16 to July 4 2018

Hot Snapshot

Capture as you fly

FinishedFrom May 16 to July 4 2018

Hot Snapshot

Capture as you fly

FinishedFrom May 16 to July 4 2018

Hot Snapshot

Capture as you fly

FinishedFrom May 16 to July 4 2018

Hot Snapshot

Capture as you fly

FinishedFrom May 16 to July 4 2018

Hot Snapshot

« Capture as you fly »

From May 16 to July 4 2018

Lovers of candid photographs, this new contest is for you! Let your pictures be captured by serendipity yet with perfection. For those who own them, feel free to pull out your Polaroid, Lomo Camera or film camera and show us pictures that were taken on the go. You’ll just have to scan them and upload them on Inspired by our jury: Stéphane Winter and Jérôme Geoffroy who get enthusiasm the environment, let your instincts run wild free to show us what you can do !

Focus Numérique, and the photographers Jérôme Geoffroy and Stéphane Winter will select the most marvellous pictures! The photographs with the most votes will tend to be part of the public selection

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Contest terms

Prizes to win

1st prize of the jury
A one year subscription to the Digital Focus + publication of your image on
2nd prize of the jury
A one year subscription to the Digital Focus + publication of your image on
3rd prize of the jury
A one year subscription to the Digital Focus + publication of your image on
1st prize of the wipplayers
Publication of your image on
2nd prize of the wipplayers
Publication of your image on
3rd prize of the wipplayers
Publication of your image on
Hot Snapshot

FinishedFrom May 16 to July 4 2018

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